> COLLECTION > Green glass scent bottle memento of the 1876 Bulgarian rebellion
Green glass scent bottle memento of the 1876 Bulgarian rebellion
Green glass scent bottle showing a cannon and some words in Bulgarian meaning “Society of Evil Glen Klisura” and the date 1876, when many Bulgarian villages rebelled against the Ottoman Empire but were destroyed and the revolt drowned in blood. Klisura is a small town in Central Bulgaria, located in a valley surrounded by the mountains. Its name has traditionally been associated with the heroism of its inhabitants during the April uprising, when the village was a centre of the revolution and Borimechkata “the man who fights with a bear”, who lived in the village, was one of its leaders. The spirit of the rebels can be felt to the present day. A mile from Klisura is located the historical place called Zli Dol, the “evil Glen” mentioned on the bottle.
Material: glass and metal
Size: 4,5 cm
Country: Bulgaria
Year: 1876