> COLLECTION > Silver pilgrim flask with repousse scene of Lucretia
Silver pilgrim flask with repousse scene of Lucretia
Silver scent bottle in the shape of a pilgrim’s flask on a slightly raised circular foot. Body decorated with foliage work and round central medallion depicting the classic story of Lucretia while she is being raped by King Tarquinio.
After the event she committed suicide and thus became an example of feminine virtue. Little silver stopper with cork, probably missing another cap with ring.
Material: silver
Material: silver
Size: 7 cm
Country: Germany
Year: 1720
See: Launert E. PERFUME and POMANDERS, Potterton Books, 1987, fig. 128 page 130 See: Meninghaus-Habrch AROMATA, ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers 1998 – fig. 9 page 55