> COLLECTION > Silver scent bottle in the shape of a gunpowder flask

Silver scent bottle in the shape of a gunpowder flask

Gunpowder-flask shaped scent bottle in silver, embossed with scenes of cherubs playing in a garden. Screw round cap. Fully hallmarked for Germany, 930 silver, maker SR under a crown for Simon Rosenau maker.

Simon Rosenau (b. 1839 d. 1920) started in Kissingen in 1862. He also had a branch in Paris. He was first listed as “Hofantiquar”, roughly meaning supplier of antiques for the Royal Bavarian Court. His son Hermann Simon Rosenau (b.1861 d. 1943) took over his father’s business in the 1890ies and started selling antique silverware in the Hanau style. H.S. Rosenau’s ties with the Hanau industry were strong and possibly much of the “old” silver Rosenau mark was actually made by Hanau-based companies. He retired in 1932 and after having lived in Munich  he moved to Paris from where he was deported to Auschwitz in 1943.

Material: silver
Size: 7 cm
Country: Germany
Year: 1900 ca

COD 576 - Labels , ,